Ice cream for breakfast, you say?

September 28, 2010 § Leave a comment

This morning I looked int he fridge and much to my chagrin, we are out of everything. And by everything, I mean, I have a couple of gallons of milk, a half gallon of kefir and a quart of heavy cream, and little else beyond condiments.  So, thoughts of eggs and bacon or some other fully satisfying nosh went right out the window.  Knowing that I need to feed my child, and that shopping is out of the question till Matt gets home, I had to get creative.

Last night, I came across a recipe for kefir ice cream.  Now, the recipe specified using kefir that had only been allowed to ferment for 18 hours or less, and I always let my kefir go 24 hours before putting it in the fridge to cure for another 8-10, so I knew mine would be more tart than might be desirable for ice cream, so I cut the amount to one cup, and subbed in two cups of heavy cream.  To this, I threw in a couple of tablespoons of carob powder, about a quarter teaspoon of peppermint flavor oil, a broken up square of premium soy-free dark chocolate, and a half a handful of frozen blueberries.  I blitzed that in the vitamix for a few seconds, and added about 8 drops of chocolate flavored liquid stevia.

Into the ice cream maker with this concoction, and after a few minutes or so, Ella and I were slurping up ice cream for breakfast.

Next time, I definitely want the egg yolks; you could tell something was missing, but all in all, it as a pretty good attempt, considering the dirth of options. It was high fat, low carb with a little protein from the kefir, and some antioxidants from the chocolate and blueberries.

I’m not a fan of blueberries, BTW.  I have always seemed to have adverse reactions to them, but I am trying to incorporate them into my smoothies and stuff more.  You won’t catch me eating blueberry pie or muffins any time soon, but I’m getting used to them.

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